If “Coyotes in Winter” isn’t turning out to be quite your thing, maybe you’ll enjoy one of these other stories.
First, a book announcement: I’ve self-published a nonfiction book on Amazon (yay, me?) named “Security Issues of Personal Medical Devices: Characteristics, Concerns, and Controls” which should be available in a few days. It’s a very technical book based on some of the research I do for work (and also did for my graduate degree). So if you are friends with any biomedical hackers, or cardiologists or endocrinologists who prescribe pacemakers, insulin pumps, or blood glucose monitors, wow, do I have a great stocking stuffer for you!
Second, I’d like to thank YOU for helping to launch my Substack. It’s been a big boost to my self-confidence as a writer. It’s actually the only reason why I’m still writing fiction. Let’s face it: writing is difficult, and getting published is incredibly difficult, and neither tasks are getting easier. My original idea for this Substack was as a life-support measure. A last-ditch effort to get my work in front of readers. This Substack may turn out to be my primary way to connect with readers.
I have several stories that are ready to go and I’m thinking of publishing them here…
I’m considering opening this Substack (it’s currently private) and trying to build a larger readership. I have several stories that are ready to go and I’m thinking of publishing them here in serial format, offering you different types of mysteries instead of the trickle of one-at-a-time. The only thing stopping me is that I’m still trying to get published in traditional magazines and I don’t think I can submit stories that have already been “published” here.
On the other hand, part of me is wondering, what am I waiting for? For example, I have a story that was rejected by Ellery Queen and is currently sitting on the submission pile for Alfred Hitchcock. It’s been sitting in slush piles for a year, and will undoubtedly sit in a slush pile somewhere after it’s rejected by Alfred Hitchcock. Or, I could publish it here, and maybe get some feedback on it, and maybe someone will actually enjoy reading it?
In the meantime, I have the following lined up for this Substack:
A dark, psychological mystery/thriller
A light, more cozy-style mystery
A noir-ish mystery/thriller involving computer hackers
…and more in the pipeline. All of the stories I’ve written, and have planned, should take this through the end of 2023 and even into 2024. So if “Coyotes in Winter” isn’t turning out to be quite your thing, maybe you’ll enjoy one of these other stories.
You all are AWESOME. Please stick around and help me make this an awesome Substack.
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