The Good Killers is out! Pick it up here in your preferred format: (ebook | paperback | hardcover). I think Amazon is running a sale on the paperback and hardcover. One of these days I’ll figure out how to do sales. Until then, I must trust the Almighty Algorithm.
While you’re at it, check out my author page on Amazon and click that “follow” button.
🤣 I got my first negative review! Awesome! 👍
Hey, I got my first negative review on Amazon! Awesome! I’ve hit the big time! I’ve added this to my drawer of rejection slips and rejection emails from agents. (The last one is a joke, usually agents just don’t respond if they reject you.)
The next episode of My Favorite Suspects is on the way! Probably out next week after the holiday.
Until then, I’m wishing you all a pleasant and relaxing weekend, or at least as much as it can be for you.